Reverse engineered PSP kernel 6.60.
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uOFW - The uOFW API for the PSP (Playstation Portable) Kernel 6.60.

This documentation contains exported functions by reverse-engineered PSP modules.
It is aimed at those people who want to write applications for the PSP and want to get an overview about the functions they can use.

This documentation does not provide detailed information about the internals of the PSP kernel;
if you want to learn more about the inner-works of the kernel, please take a look here: https://github.com/uofw/uofw/tree/master/src

This documentation is still incomplete, and we are working hard on adding more documented modules to it.

If you find mistakes in this documentation or have suggestions how to improve it, please contact us via e-mail
or join us in our IRC chat room, called #uofw on the FreeNode server.