Some very significant NID’s
July 25th, 2008 silverspringHere are 2 very important nids found:
- 0x4F46EEDE sceSysregGetFuseId
- 0x8F4F4E96 sceSysregGetFuseConfig
These 2 functions serve quite significant purposes.
And some other not so significant ones:
- 0xBF91FBDA sceSysregMsifQueryConnectIntr
- 0x36A75390 sceSysregMsifAcquireConnectIntr
Due to some interest with regard to the above two functions I listed, here is some more info:
u64 sceSysregGetFuseId();
u32 sceSysregGetFuseConfig();
These are hardcoded values located in the CPU IC – TACHYON (presumably on an OTP PROM on the die).
The FuseID is a completely unique 48-bit internal ID and as such is referenced quite a bit. Most notably being used as the seed for the idstorage encryption on slim PSP’s as well as the lflash encryption on 3.00+ firmwares. It is probably also widely used for other purposes as well since it is the only one true internal serial number.
The FuseConfig holds hardcoded configuration data for the TACHYON IC. For example, when the PSP is shutdown (or put to sleep) the config data is used to control the TACHYON voltages to power the devices off.